Central (CERT) Certification Program is Transitioning from the City of Saint Paul



If you received an email in the past two days, asking you to verify or update your CERT information, DO NOT OPEN THE LINK or RESPOND!  That email is NOT from the CERT Program or any of our partners/affiliates/Strong & Starlike Consulting.    


We have received notification from several vendors that CERT businesses have recently been targeted with a “phishing email campaign.”  A phishing email is a fraudulent email that appears to be from a legitimate source, but it is actually an attempt to steal sensitive information, financial data, passwords, or to spread a virus. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to Jef Yang with the CERT Program at:  651-266-8968 or jef.yang@ci.stpaul.mn.us. 

The CERT certification collaborative is thrilled to announce an exciting new development in our commitment to supporting small, women, and minority-owned business enterprises.  The day-to-day management of the Central (CERT) Certification Program is transitioning from the City of Saint Paul to an outside company, Strong & Starlike Consulting, Inc. Following a Request for Proposals process last fall, Strong & Starlike Consulting, Inc. was awarded a contract to manage the CERT program. This website will serve as your main hub for updates on what is taking place with the transition.

What is Transitioning

The following aspects of the day-to-day management of the CERT Program will be transitioning:

What is Still Held by the City of Saint Paul & the CERT Board:

What is the Timeline for the Transition:

What Do I Need to Do as a CERT Business or a Business Applying for CERT: